Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hypothyroidism More Condition_symptoms Why Is Hypothyroidism More Common In Women Than Men?

Why is hypothyroidism more common in women than men? - hypothyroidism more condition_symptoms

I know what it is hypothyroidism, but the fact that more women than men have hypothyroidism? If a man has hypothyroidism, which would be the causes for this situation? As a rule, what some of the causes of hypothyroidism? My father said he had gone to the doctors and have hypothyroidism and need to re-find the causes. I do not know whether their family of hypothyroidism or other autoimmune diseases.


Freemale said...

The thyroid gland activity fluctuates during the day in response to food, stress, temperature, etc. can speculate Given these findings, we or identify genetic, hormonal, lifestyle and dietary factors as a contributor to hypothyroidism.

Since suffering from hypothyroidism often someone slowly, is a degenerative disease that can be used as increase.As life that you mentioned count, is focusing on autoimmune diseases, the dysfunction of the thyroid and cause either increase or decrease the activity of the thyroid gland increases (and sometimes first then decreases later). It is difficult to do as a genetic or hormonal because women tend to have more autoimmune diseases isolate. Maybe both. Estradiol (is) an estrogen antagonistic effect on the thyroid function in competition with the binding sites. When estradiol binds not exercise then thyroxine / tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triidothyronine (T3), their effects. Estradiol limits) also burn other thermogenic (calorie and support a possible reason, thyroid its role in limiting muscle-developments and promoting fat storage. In addition, means are not limited to estradiol, the activity of the adrenal glands, such as testosterone. The "fatigue" of the adrenal glands (not as pronounced or as deadly as Addison's disease) due to lack of jurisdiction of the activity can reduce the function of the thyroid. Lifestyle factors such as lack of speed-stress in this process. Finally, the women are also less calories than men who eat more precisely, they eat less fat and protein. Considering that the consumption of fat for the proper production of certain hormones is essential (cortisol, aldosterone, progesterone, estradiol, testosterone, etc.), the consumption of adequate protein essential for peptide hormones such as thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones from the amino acid tyrosine in combination with 1, 2, 3 or 4 atoms of iodine (ie, have names such as sorting - Iodine - thyronine). In an attempt to maintain, weight or lose weight, many women enter the building blocks for a healthy amounts of hormones. Some foods and supplements are goitrogenic (goitreinduce or reduce the activity of the thyroid), such as soybean. Sometimes the cause (idiopathic of unknown origin).

Men with hypothyroidism can cause similar, such as poor diet, excessive stress, etc. have to be correlated with low testosterone levels, low thyroid hormones, but it is unclear what causes such as thyroid receptors in the testes present, but may increase or decrease the production of testosterone ) of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism, without necessarily causing symptoms. People may also have idiopathic hypothyroidism.

Most of the above factors are classified two major groups: primary (the body itself) or secondary hypothyroidism (teach the body [s] to act like them), hypothyroidism. Men and women have hypothyroidism in May due to insufficient TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) from the pituitary or thyroid to respond appropriately to TSH.

Sorry to bleed your eyes for this long reply. As a final check to ensure that medical tests on his father, the function of the thyroid blood-T supportESTs. The rules were revised in hypothyroidism, TSH (5.0 or more 3.0 or higher), and TSH is not sufficient to apply to hypothyroidism, regardless of symptoms identified. The pituitary gland is often need Mismeasure of TSH. T4 and T3, free T4, free T3 and reverse T3 are essential to determine the true function of the thyroid gland. The sources listed below you will find information for patients with hypothyroidism suitors seeking the best medical advice about their disease and to update it. I wish you and your father, how can treat very difficult without a good doctor who listens *. *

茶 ŘǺŴ ΡσώΣŖ 茶 said...

Goof My friend (male) and my nan had both.
My grandmother was caused by a lack of iodine in the diet, do not check for the year, until he got to her thyroid removed and now thyroxine.
My friend was in the wake of the thyroid Caner.
That's all I can offer, sorry.

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